Designer and Digital Product Creator for Brilliant And Passionate Women Entrepreneurs Who Want To Launch Their Next eCourse, Online Program or Membership Site without getting bogged down creating the workbooks and eBooks needed to launch.
Quite simply, I know what it takes to create a highly converting eBook with eye-catching design and content filled strategy, so your offer walks off the shelves! I’m here to (virtually) hold your hand through your first or next eBook creation so it runs smoothly and unfolds (almost) effortlessly, and puts you on the fast track to success!
I streamline your eBook process so you know exactly what to do when – and so you end up with a digital product that makes an impact, makes you money and of course, looks fabulously amazing doing so.
I also teach women from all over the world how to design and create eBooks and workbooks for their online programs, eCourses and membership sites with ease - and they get to stay sane while doing it!